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Hospice & Palliative Care Education

Grief Workshops

We now offer the opportunity to provide grief workshops and/or presentations that support children and adults in your community who are dealing with grief. Your organization, school, church, club, etc. can host us to come and sponsor an event centered around grief education. We would provide all trainers and materials! All we ask in return is that we be allowed to make information about the Foundation available to the participants. 


Workshops can be short 1 hour long virtual sessions to weekend long retreats. 


You can find topic ideas and more information here. 

Community Grief Resources

We have numerous resources available to the general community regarding grief. 


  • Coping with Your Grief Brochure

  • Coping After the Death of your Spouse or Partner

  • Supporting a Grieving Child

  • Supporting a Grieving Teen

  • Help During the Holidays Handout

  • Grief Resource List


To order one or all of the materials available please complete the following form:  


Order Community Grief Resources Now


*** These resources are provided FREE of charge! The Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation is 100% funded by grants and donations. Even donating $5.00 to cover the cost of postage helps! You can donate online by visiting and choosing the Education Fund.


For additional resources about grief  you can visit the website,

School Grief Resources

Veterans Resource

This resource provides education on the special needs of seriously ill veterans and helps military families understand and navigate the VA's benefits. The booklet has practical "What You Can Do" bullet points and a comprehensive "About the Veteran Worksheet" that can be used to collect information needed to apply for benefits as well a guide to the veteran's care plan. To order please complete the following form: 


Order Veteran Resource Booklet Now



We have two resources available to school counselors and professional licensed counselors across South Carolina. 


Heart Shaped Pickles

This elementary school age bereavement resource is based on a true story. When Jenny's grandpas both pass away within weeks of each other, her connections to them continues through her discover of different heart shaped items all around her. The illustrations invite children to color, encouraging creativity. The book includes a discussion guide along with "8 Things Children Can Teach Grownups About Grief." To order please complete the form below:


Order Heart Shaped Pickles Now


When Teens are Grieving

This booklet is based on the award winning book, Weird is Normal When Teenager Grieve. This unique book shares teen author, Jenny Wheeler's grief story and validates for teens that they have the right to grieve in their own way. Professional insights are provided throughout by specialists in grief support. To order please complete the form below:


Order When Teens are Grieving Now



*** The booklets are provided FREE of charge! The Hospice & Palliative Care Foundation is 100% funded by grants and donations. Even donating $5.00 to cover the cost of postage helps! You can donate online by visiting and choosing the Education Fund.





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South Carolina

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HPCF is recognized as a public charity under Internal Revenue Code section 509(a) and has 501(c)(3) status. Donations to HPCF are deductible. Donors should consult their tax advisor for questions regarding deductibility. The HPCF EIN is 57-1107253. A copy of the HPCF determination letter is available upon request.

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